sleep doctor heather

they should just load up all the train carts and send the boys to the concentration camps.. Oh, and in response to the comments "you'd think the kids woulda learnt" and "I bet his kids are well-behaved"... ESTOS CARROS SON DE SUPER LUJO a ps3 and a xbox 360 duct taped together to make a single entity. I ended up just using my mini-mac most of the time (it's hooked up to my plasma). As you can see in these videos Yellow dog Linux on the ps3 is quite capable. Wow, not a single comment that finds this as ridiculous as I do? LOL! too bad youtube deletes all the good vids. games being streamed from my Linux box. It's not a matter of the playing surface anymore Think I'll stick to some easier to digest. 1223 umj 54546